Where to begin describing Tobacco Road … One thing is certain: you´ve never played a course like this before. Designed by Mike Strantz and open since 1998, this is a golf course that quickly became well-known because of it´s unique features, and was immediately recognized by the most important golf publications in the US. Very ondulated, several blind shots, 90-degree dog-legs, short holes, long holes, big greens with distinct platforms. On a good day, you can definetly score well here. On a bad day, it can be really tough. Just as an example, the following phrase from the designer is on the first page of the yardage books: “I don’t care if people think my courses are too hard.”

Signature Hole
El hoyo 13 | Par 5 | 536 yardas. With a double dog-leg. As in the rest of the holes in Tobacco Road, the yardage of the hole is irrelevant. All that matters is where to position your ball for the next shot. Very hard to get to the green in 2 shots, therefore the 3rd shot is uphil to an almost blind green, with the entrance sign (Tobacco Road”) on the background.

Wegolf Insider Tip
1) Do not attempt to play this course without a yardage book, it´s almost imposible to guess how the holes are laid out from the tee; 2) play from the correct set of tees, they have different options and even the scorecard provides a suggested “blend” of tees top lay from; 3) after your round make sure you hang out on the porch, sito n the rocking chairs and have a beer listening to local music playing on the background.
Wegolf Rating
8.8User Rating
0.0The good, The Bad